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If you`re a prospective homebuyer in Colorado, you may have questions about a Buyer Representation Agreement (BRA). This contract outlines the terms of the relationship between you and your real estate agent, protecting both parties throughout the home-buying process. Here`s what you need to know about Buyer Representation Agreements in Colorado.

First and foremost, a BRA is not required in Colorado, although it is recommended. The agreement establishes an agency relationship between the buyer and the agent, allowing the agent to act on behalf of the buyer in negotiations, showings, and other aspects of the home-buying process. Without a BRA, the agent is considered a seller`s agent, meaning they are legally obligated to act in the best interest of the seller rather than the buyer.

When considering a BRA, it`s essential to understand the different types of agency relationships. In a single agency relationship, the agent works exclusively for the buyer, with no conflicts of interest. In dual agency, the agent represents both the buyer and the seller, which can create potential conflicts. However, it`s important to note that dual agency is legal in Colorado, as long as the parties consent.

Once you`ve decided to sign a BRA, you`ll need to consider the duration of the agreement. Most BRA`s are valid for a set period, typically 90 to 180 days, but can be extended or terminated by mutual agreement or if certain conditions are met.

Another factor to consider is the commission structure. The BRA outlines the commission amount and how it will be split among the parties involved, including any cooperating brokers. In Colorado, the commission is typically paid by the seller, although this can be negotiated and outlined in the BRA.

It`s also important to understand the responsibilities of both the buyer and the agent under the BRA. The agent is expected to act in the best interest of the buyer, provide guidance and advice throughout the home-buying process, and disclose any conflicts of interest. The buyer is expected to work exclusively with the agent, provide accurate information about their needs and financial status, and act in good faith.

In conclusion, a Buyer Representation Agreement can provide valuable protections for both the buyer and the agent during the home-buying process. While it`s not required in Colorado, it is recommended, and understanding the terms of the agreement can help ensure a successful home purchase. Be sure to discuss any questions or concerns with your agent before signing the agreement.

