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A breach of agreement happens when one party fails to complete their part of an agreement. Compensation is a term used to describe the payments or reparations made to the injured party in a breach of agreement. Such compensation is essential in ensuring the affected party receives what they deserve and denying the breaching party any benefit from their wrongful actions. In this article, we will discuss breach of agreement compensation and its types.

Types of compensation:

1. Damages – This is the most common form of compensation. The aggrieved party is given monetary compensation to make up for the harm caused by the breach of agreement. The amount of compensation awarded is equivalent to the amount of loss suffered by the aggrieved party. The loss could be measured in terms of money, property, or reputation.

2. Specific performance – In some instances, monetary compensation may not be enough to make up for the loss suffered in a breach of agreement. Specific performance refers to the breaching party fulfilling their part of the agreement as stipulated in the contract. This type of compensation is often used when the agreement involves unique items or services that cannot easily be replaced.

3. Injunctions – An injunction is a court order that requires the breaching party to cease a certain activity or conduct. Injunctions are often used when the breach of agreement involves intellectual property rights or privacy breaches.

Factors considered in breach of agreement compensation:

1. The severity of the breach – The amount of compensation awarded is heavily dependent on the severity of the breach. A minor breach could result in a small amount of compensation, while a major breach could result in significant compensation.

2. The intent of the breaching party – If the breach of agreement was intentional, the compensation awarded is likely to be higher than if it was unintentional.

3. The history between the parties – If the parties have a history of good business relations, the compensation awarded may be less, as the parties may be more willing to negotiate a settlement.


In conclusion, breach of agreement compensation is an important aspect of contract law. When someone breaches an agreement, they are responsible for compensating the injured party. The compensation awarded is highly dependent on the severity of the breach, the intent of the breaching party, and the history between the parties. As a professional, I recommend consulting a legal expert to guide you through the process of seeking compensation for breach of agreement.

